Dream Logos Wiki
Dream Logos Wiki

Administrators, also known as System Operators (Sysops for short), are users who have proved themselves to be a very reliable editor of the wiki and have worked their way up to become an administrator. They are usually the most reliable members of the community and can be contacted with queries. They have the power to delete pages and ban users. The purpose of an administrator is to keep peace on the wiki and to keep vandalism at bay.

Administrators can also edit the pages that make up the wiki, such as the sidebar, site notices, MediaWiki pages, and design pages (e.g. js and css pages).

List of administrators

Active This user is actively making contributions.
Break This user has been inactive for a week.
Hiatus This user has been inactive for two weeks.
Dormant This user has been inactive for a month.
Retired This user has retired or stepped down as an admin.
Impeached This user lost their rights due to inappropriate behavior.
Banned This user has been banned due to inappropriate behavior.
Globalled This user has been globally banned from editing Wikia.
Closed This user had their account disabled by staff.
Globalled/Closed This user was forced to close their account as a direct result of being globalled.


Bureaucrats have the ability to promote users into admins, as well as other bureaucrats. While other users cannot revoke a bureaucrat's rights, only Wikia staff or the user themself can remove it.


Bureaucrat Current Status User since Bureaucrat since
CoolGamer23 Active December 11, 2015 December 27, 2015
Bjbarnett2011 (owner) Active April 18, 2011
Lumogo Active April 7, 2013 January 11, 2016
DonaldoC1997 Active April 29, 2013 September 6, 2016
Thomas Kong62704 Active November 24, 2012 September 6, 2016


Administrators have advanced features than regular users do and have the ability to ban users, delete and undelete pages and files, protect pages, and pages that make up the wiki.


Admin Current Status User since Admin since
SuperCartoonBrony2000 Active August 28, 2013 December 28, 2015
Blue91233 Active August 24, 2014 December 28, 2015
JedidiahCudby Active August 31, 2014 September 30, 2016
Kislevi03one Active January 18, 2014 December 30, 2015
Laser Pikachus Active August 12, 2013 September 30, 2016


Admin Current Status User since Admin since Reason

Becoming an admin

In general, when we are promoting, there are four questions we ask ourselves:

  1. Do we need any new staff? Admins, only promote when you feel like the admins here have too much stuff on their hands, and need help. Before promoting, multiple admins have to agree on the promotion.
  2. Has the person being promoted been appropriate? Dream Logos Wiki users must have a good record before promotion. This means that they must have zero to just a few violations of the Rules of Conduct to be promoted. The Rules of Conduct also apply on other wikis if a user is to be promoted.
  3. Has the person worked hard enough on our wiki? Users should only be promoted after a certain number of edits (500 for chat moderator, 1,000 for administrator, and 2,000 for bureaucrat; Please note that this is likely change in the future) Additionally, users must be active on the chat to be a chat moderator, or active on the forums to be a moderator.
  4. Will the person stay committed? This is generally decided on how active the user is. Multiple edits per day are the goal, although sometimes there may be exceptions.

All users should be asked for permission before promotion. Additionally, users may be demoted for violating the Community Guidelines. If a staff member wishes to terminate their status, they may go to their User Rights Management and demote themselves.
